Perfect Mommy Diary

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Summer plan

Summer is definitely here after a whole week in 90s. I'm making a big plan for Sophia to have fun every day of the summer, but we'll do it day by day.
Here is a peek of the other fast growing peanut...


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

New favorite

Our new favorite bedtime book is Olivia. Not only Sophia but also me love it to death. The character is superb cute, the story is fun. My favorite part is bedtime kisses, we have to kiss each other when we get to that page. Sophia's favorite part is counting books, she can "read" that page now.
Actually it's Olivia's baby present. It turned out my favorite baby present so far. I'm sure Olivia will enjoy it when she's older.
Now I need to get more copies of Olivia series.
I also bought the Olivia calender and will rip it apart and frame some pages to decorate Olivia's nursery with that. It's gonna to look cute.


Monday, June 02, 2008

Life with little ones

"Making the decision to have a child --- it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body"
-------------------- Elizabeth Stone

The life with a 3 years old and a 3 months old is so much fun. Now my favorite things are reading cute stories to Sophia, playing outside in the sun with Sophia, doing Silly dance with Sophia, baking blueberry muffins with Sophia, and looking at Olivia just makes me smile. I love very moment with my beautiful girls.
