Perfect Mommy Diary

Friday, September 25, 2009

A perfect day to play outside

Being loved again

This "Pat the bunny" book is Olivia's favorite book. It was Sophia's favorite when she was little, now Sophia loves to read this book to her sister. I think I will keep this book for their kids. It will be loved again.


Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Labor day weekend.

Labor day weekend always marks the end of summer. It's sad that summer is over, but it's great that fall is coming, Fall is the most beautiful season of Pittsburgh.
We spent our weekend at the local amusement park Kenneywood. It was a perfect sunny day. Girls had loads of fun. Olivia enjoined quite a few rides this year.

Sophia ventured some new rides she had never tried before because she's taller this year. I felt a bit nervous about her growing because I'm not very good at riding roller coaster. I bet she will want mom to ride with her soon.
